Directory of Axe Makers (New)

While this web-site is primarily devoted to billhooks, I am interested in all edge tools, and I have been a member of Axe Junkies on Facebook for some years now.  


There is also a second page Axe Junkies ll whose rules on posting non-axe tools are a little less rigid.


Today there are lots of amateur, semi-professional and professional edge tool makers and blacksmiths who make axes, and other edge tools, but there is no definitive site to find these on. The idea of this page is that makers who contact me can have their details added here...

A few axes from my collection - these were cleaned using electrolysis, rehandled and refurbished in 2014 (all except the large Henry Carter shipwright's masting axe in the centre)...


February 2015, I dug out some of the rest of my collection from the back of my store shed - another 20 or so to be cleaned and oiled - pictures to follow in due course..

Handle making on the TATHS stand at Treefest 2014 at Westonbirt Arboraetum (Gloucestershire, UK). Foreground, the author sat on his shavehorse test driving a handle into an axe head, in the background a fellow member of TATHS.

Where to buy an axe???

Many of the suppliers of billhooks, listed here, are also suppliers of new and/or second hand axes.

Axe Making

So far I know of Nick Westerman (UK) and James Austin (USA)...

Update: May 2015 Despite requests on various forums, e.g. Axe Junkies on Facebook, I have received no new information to add to this page - I live in hope. Meanwhile many good videos of axe makers at work can be seen on Youtube...

Update: December 2015 - no-one as yet has asked me to add details to this page...