More modern kladeuterion & kosora

The modern Greek κλαδευτηρι 'kladeuteri' (plural: κλαδευτηριων 'kladeuterion') have similar shapes to the earlier ones. The common form is that of double edged tool: a sickle blade with an axe like blade at the back. The sickle blade is pulled towards the user, and unlike an English billhook, is all beak with little or no blade parallel to the axis. The axe blade is use for cutting old dead wood, and is used away from the user with a chopping action. This type of blade spread to most of the regions of the Mediterannean that were former colonies of Ancient Greece, especially those of southern Italy and Sicily.


The κοσόρα 'kosora' are single bladed, usually socket handled, billhooks that are used for more general work such as trimming trees or hedges - they may be used with or without  a short inserted wooden handle, or fitted to a longer one c.f. the English slasher.

A modern Greek billhook, from a small edge tool maker, Costas Menegakis, located in Irakleidon, near Sparta, Laconia in Southern Greece.

Same model as above, but with a tubular steel handle.

This one, from Kozani in Westerm Macedonia, is almost identical to those found in Morocco.

Another, from the Athens region, with a more conventional shape similar to those found in France and Italy.

Another variation in shape, from the Isle of Corfu.

Single edgd billhooks are also found, known locally as κοπίδι (cutter) this one is also from Corfu.

This one from the region around Mythria on the Island of Kalymnos. Known locally as a  τσιαλοκόπα ('tsialokopa') from 'tsali' (shrub in Turkish) and 'kopa' (cutter in Greek) - it shows the influence of the local languages before the final forced separation of Greek and Turkish inhabitants c 1920.

A modern example on sale in 2012.

A modern socket handled κοσόρα - it can also be used without an inserted wooden handle, c.f. those used in the French and Italian Alps. Similar shaped billhooks are also found in Turkey.

Another of a different profile from the same maker. So far little is known of the different regional patterns.

Another modern example with a slightly larger beak, and a partially closed socket that requires a wooden handle.